Preparing Every Case for Trial From the Very Beginning
Litigation is about leverage and momentum achieved by moving a case forward at all times toward trial. Simply stated, our Firm tries cases. Litigation departments at large firms are filled with lawyers who have only tried one or two cases at most. There is no substitution for stand up trial experience in preparing a case for trial as lead counsel. That experience shapes every aspect of case preparation, and creates leverage for resolution of the case prior to trial. We have represented individuals and companies at trial and arbitration in disputes worth millions of dollars in damages. When we appear in a case on behalf of a client, judges and opposing counsel know we are serious about your case and have no hesitation in representing you at trial, if necessary.
“You must be known to have the willingness and ability to try a case to verdict.”
“Cody provided outstanding counsel and leadership during a difficult period. I give my strongest professional recommendation on behalf of this incredible person.”